Yoga Blog

  • Ask a Yoga Teacher: Dancer’s Pose

    Keep your lower back feeling strong, not sore First I want to say how grateful I am for all of you subscribers out there (on Substack), reading what I write. I joined Substack in January of 2024 and I never imagined that this little blog of mine would grow like it has. Thank you soRead…

  • Why I Don’t Make New Year’s Resolutions

    And what I do instead Many people use the new year to start over. To eat better, stop smoking or drinking, exercise more, but here’s why it’s one of the worst times to start something new. The energy of the Winter season is hibernation, going inward. Your true nature wants you to snuggle up nextRead…

  • Why Self-Acceptance is Better Than Self-Loathing

    My Why #4: Acceptance Nobody is meaner to us than we are. Would you ever talk to another person the way you talk to yourself? Of course not. So why is it okay for you to be so mean to you? There are so many messages that we receive as children that carry with usRead…

  • Reflections on the End of the Year

    Looking back on 2024 and seeing what I learned I started Yoga Living 50 and Beyond in January of 2024. I felt burned out with promoting my business on Social Media and was looking for something else. The daily posts on Instagram and Facebook felt like I was screaming into the void. Despite all my followers, hardlyRead…

  • Why I Meditate, or Rather, Why I Want To…

    My why #3: Meditation Out of all the practices that are part of my life, meditation is the one I practice the least. I came to it last on my yoga journey, but it is an incredibly powerful practice. So why don’t I do it more often? Herein lies the mystery… Once upon a time,Read…

  • How Finding Acceptance Will Set You Free from Stress

    Finding acceptance is easier said than done, but is exactly what frees you from the stress in your life. The events in your life won’t change, but your relationship to these events can. You can’t control the events, but you can control how you respond. I find there are two kinds of people: people whoRead…

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