Love Your Butt! Keep Your Glutes Strong to Prevent Pain

Love Your Butt! Keep Your Glutes Strong to Prevent Pain

Why strengthen the glutes?

Why stretch the glutes?

Yoga for stretching and strengthening

Glute Strengthening

Locust pose/Salabhasana
Warrior 1/Virabhadrasana 1
Awkward pose/Utkatasana with side steps and lateral raise
Bridge pose/Setu Bandhasana with block

Glute stretching, aka “hip openers”

Top left to right: Pigeon pose/Kapotasana, Cow Face pose/Gomukhasana. Bottom left to right: Ankle to Knee pose/Agnistambhasana, Half Seated Spinal Twist/Ardha Matsyendrasana

Join me on the mat in December!