Author: Janine

Sep 6, 2022

Why My Aging Body Needs Yoga

As we age, our body becomes less adaptable to what we do to it. When you were 20, you could pull an all nighter, sleep a couple of hours, then be fine. If you try that when you are older, it might take you a week (or more) to recover and feel normal again. An
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Aug 29, 2022

Prevent Back Pain with Office Yoga

Technology. It is great for the mind, but horrible for the body. When you spend 8 hours (or more) at a desk, staring at and typing on a computer, your body starts to fall apart: Neck pain, back pain, jaw pain, wrist pain, they are all par for the course when you have a desk
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Aug 23, 2022

Self-Compassion Can Help Us to Manage Our Pain

Pain is sadly a part of life, but it doesn’t have to be something that brings you down. Pain can be an opportunity to practice self-compassion. In an earlier post about listening to your body, I discussed how the body communicates all sorts of things to us through sensation; pain is one of the ways
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Aug 21, 2022

Hip Openers: The What, Where, Why, and How

In the yoga asana practice we often talk about a category of stretching poses called “Hip Openers.” They don’t refer to the area where you “put your hands on your hips,” but target the groups of muscles surrounding the hip joints.  The Hips include the Gluteal muscles (Gluteus maximus, Gluteus medius, and Gluteus minimus), the
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Aug 16, 2022

Meditation for People with Busy Minds

I have been practicing Yoga and Meditation for almost 25 years and I will share a little secret with you: the Brain almost never shuts up, we have very busy minds. It doesn’t matter how much yoga or meditation you practice, there will always be chatter in your mind. But wait! Don’t lose hope! The
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Aug 15, 2022

Mom Was Right, You Should Stand Up Straight

Despite the fact that my teenager wants me to massage his neck constantly, he doesn’t believe that poor posture has anything to do with his neck tension and pain. Sadly, he is sorely mistaken. He needs to stand up straight. Having good posture has everything to do with how our body feels. If you slouch
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Aug 15, 2022

Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Pointed Staff Pose):

The ins and outs of this powerful yoga pose Chaturanga Dandasana, or Four-Pointed Staff Pose, sometimes called “low push up,” can be the bane of many Vinyasa or Ashtanga yogis practice. Done correctly it is a powerful pose that creates full-body strength by engaging the core, legs, arms, shoulders and back. Unfortunately, it is rarely
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Aug 15, 2022

What I learned From My Yoga Practice

My yoga journey began in 1995 when I was 23 (you can do the math to figure out my current age if you like). Not only am I am different person than I was then but I have learned many life lessons along the way. Here are just a few that I have learned from
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